Henny Dovland gives a brief explanation of how TIME Investments use their wealth of experience to create transparent and straightforward strategies that meet their desired targets as well as achieve a number of successful exits for their clients. She also touches on Time Investments’ customer service approach that ensures client trust such as their direct payment scheme and their discounted fees in the event of a sudden death before BPR eligibility is achieved.
Belinda Thomas dives into how Triple Point, the estate planning service, takes a hands-on approach in order to achieve its ultimate goal of capital preservation and liquidity. She highlights the importance of focusing on the underlying assets through their two underlying strategies: ‘Generations’ and ‘Navigator’; and how they work to successfully achieve their ultimate goals.
Highlights from our recent BPR showcase event, held at the London Stock Exchange. An audience of 50 financial advisers networked with and heard from eight leading fund managers. The showcase format allowed advisers to compare multiple BPR investment solutions in the space of one morning, and gave managers the opportunity to pitch their investment strategies directly to IFAs.
This sector is a UK success story, demand for content is high, investments return to cash quickly and there is genuine risk and return built into the model. According to our research, over 30% of specialist EIS or SEIS opportunities are in the Media and Entertainment sector.
With £3.2 trillion of wealth poised to pass to the next generation over the coming decades, the demand for estate planning services looks set to grow further. BPR qualifying investments – with their focus on speed, flexibility and capital preservation – should continue to feature in every adviser’s investment proposition.
The report comprises a summary of the BPR market, an update on estate planning and HMRC IHT statistics, an analysis of open investment opportunities, and surveys and interview with both IFAs and investment providers.
Kealan Doyle from Symvan Capital explains the rationale behind how Symvan Capital came to be, the reason for the name ‘Symvan’, and their long-term approach to investments as a ‘full life-cycle’ investment manager covering both SEIS & EIS investments. He also explains the way they work with accelerators such as Microsoft accelerator, and provides the background to their investment into companies such as Cognisess.
Andrew Wolfson from Pembroke VCT (part of the Oakley Capital Group) tells us about the background on the launch of their VCT and their charging structure. He also explains why now is a good time to be investing in growth businesses and entrepreneurs.
Highlights from the first EIS & VCT showcase event, held at the London Stock Exchange. An audience of 60 financial advisers networked with and heard from eight leading fund managers. The showcase format allowed advisers to compare multiple VCT & EIS investment solutions in the space of one morning, and gave managers the opportunity to pitch their investment strategies directly to IFAs.
With our world class universities and research sector helping to set the agenda, and many companies located outside London, helping to drive growth in the regions, the Technology sector is a UK-wide success story. Access to it via tax-advantaged venture capital investments makes it even more interesting.
The report comprises a summary of VCT, an update on the market today, tips on how to advise on VCT, an analysis of current investment opportunities, and surveys and interviews with both IFAs and investment providers to get a temperature check on how they perceive the sector.
We strike a balance between covering old ground for the benefit of new readers, and looking at new developments and interesting areas that we haven’t covered before. New readers who want more depth on some of the basics, such as the benefits of a portfolio approach or how to carry out due diligence, should download copies of previous reports to find more detail.
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