Tax Efficient Head to Head: Venture Capital

25 Nov 2013 10 minutes

  • Lawrence Gosling and David Stevenson investigate the best way of investing in younger companies – should we use venture capital trusts, or invest directly with a venture capital firm or even a private equity fund? What are the risks with each method of investing , and is a focus on the tax advantages of venture capital trusts a sensible move for private investors?

Tax Efficient Spotlight on Venture Capital Trusts

17 Jun 2013 20 minutes

  • The first episode of Spotlight shines a light on venture capital trusts and explain why these tax efficient market listed funds have become popular as an alternative to ISAs and SIPPs.

Tax Efficient Head to Head: Investing in Venture Capital Trusts

17 May 2013 10 minutes

  • Investment Compass’ resident experts, Lawrence Gosling and David Stevenson, explore the tax efficient world of venture capital trusts and examine why more and more investors are looking at these adventurous investment funds as an alternative to an ISA or SIPP.

Tax Efficient Investment 101: Venture Capital Trusts

15 Apr 2013 5 minutes

  • Stephen Barber takes the time to talk about Venture Capital Trusts which are a closed-ended scheme which are very tax efficient and allow investors to access small but growing companies through private equity capital.

Tax Efficient Investment 101: EIS

10 Apr 2013 5 minutes

  • In this episode David Stevenson explains EIS structures and funds. How they work, what to watch out for and what benefits they can provide investors.