Aimed at advisers already active in VCTs, this half day VCT Masterclass will help you acquire the technical knowledge you need to win new clients and add value for existing ones. By attending you will earn 3 hours of structured CPD while gaining practical tips on how to best use VCTs.
The BPR Masterclass is designed to help you acquire the technical knowledge you need to be considered an expert. You will earn 3 hours of structured CPD; hear the latest developments in the sector and become more confident in the ability to comply with the rules when recommending BPR. Most importantly, attendees will be well equipped to deliver a service that is hugely valued by their clients.
The EIS masterclass is aimed at advisers who are already active in EIS and is designed to help you acquire the technical knowledge you need to be considered an expert. You will earn 3 hours of structured CPD; hear the latest views on how EIS are going to interact with the new pension freedoms; learn how to avoid common misconceptions and pitfalls; and take away practical tips on how to use EIS with your clients.
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