BPR Industry Report 2016
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After reading the report, you will understand:
Risk limitation: the generalist and specialist strategies of providers and their products and how they use them to limit risk
Regulation updates: how recent changes to the rules governing pensions, the nil rate band, probate, IHT and other reliefs all impact BPR
BPR qualification: the rules that govern BPR-qualifying investments and why some of the investments are not as risky as your compliance function thinks
Popularity: why advisers are increasingly utilising BPR for their clients
Tips and tricks: including why forming relationships with accountants and solicitors can be beneficial when it comes to BPR
The report will also give you:
Due diligence and suitability insights: including panel creation, signposts to helpful resources and where to focus when researching both AIM and non AIM BPR investments
Estate planning solutions: a review of alternatives and examples of scenarios in which BPR investments are more beneficial
Political forecast: the outlook for BPR as a relief within the potentially volatile political landscape of IHT and tax reliefs
BPR product update: including what types of products are available and analysis of the market composition, minimum subscriptions, target returns, investment strategies, charges, and recent industry developments
Data on key investment metrics such as charges, liquidity and returns
BPR Use is Growing
Our survey found that over 80% of advisers use BPR qualifying investments as part of their estate planning. Over three-quarters of advisers expected their use of BPR to either rise or stay the same over the next two years in response to the increasing prevalence of IHT as a planning issue.
The 2016 BPR Industry Report is supported by leading BPR providers

CoAssets Platform is an business networking and educational platform for real estate and crowdfunding enthusiasts.
CoAssets is a targeted leads generation site, comparable to property listing portals. Such property listing portals do NOT sell properties. Instead, these portals allow property stakeholders (i.e. developers, agents, owners) (collectively, the OPs) to list available properties and real estate projects for interested investors to view. These property listing portals are not involved in any transactions between OPs and investors.
The types of projects listed by CoAssets are:
1. Bulk purchase – invest in multiple real estate units;
2. Crowdfunding – investors co-invest in units with others or peer-to-peer lending by investors to OPs; and
3. Pre-Sales – purchase of units before official launch.

LGBR Capital is a privately owned financial services business founded in October 2012.
We partner with quality investment managers to develop and distribute innovative financial products to our range of professional clients across the UK, Europe and Asia. Product areas include: long only funds, alternative funds, property and tax efficient products.
At the forefront of our business are three core values:
Long-Term Partnerships
Product Innovation
Excellent Client Service

MMC is one of the most active venture capital investors in the UK. We back entrepreneurs based in the UK with global ambition, and partner with them to provide capital and strategic input as they grow.
Founded in 2000, MMC has built a nationwide network that sources our proprietary deal flow and provides valuable connections for our portfolio.
We believe in putting our money where our mouth is. Of the £150m currently under management, over £10m has been invested by the MMC team – on the same terms as our investors.
Our investors are individuals and institutions whose risk appetite, outlook and values match our own. They invest through MMC fund structures that allow us to maximise their returns.

Puma Investments has a strong track record in providing asset-backed funding to established businesses across the UK. Our multi-disciplinary team is able to draw upon a nationwide network of offices to source, evaluate and execute transactions.
Our principal focus is on capital preservation and generating stable returns for our investors whilst seeking to offer robust downside protection. The business was founded on and continues to follow two guiding principles: protecting capital and minimising risk. This has always been and will continue to be our promise to our investors and business partners.

We are financial planners, wealth managers and employee benefits consultants. You can view details of services for private clients, employee benefits and some client testimonials.
We take a keen interest in the latest thinking in financial advice and planning. Logic, an understanding of human behaviour, academically validated investment strategies and risk analysis combine seamlessly with the latest technology to deliver our service to you.

Our independence ensures that nothing stands in the way of serving our clients interests. We create long-term, sustainable value for our business partners and clients. Our expertise comprises investments in private and public equity as well as debt instruments and real estate.
We focus on three main business segments: Investment Management, Corporate Finance Advisory and Real Estate Advisory. Our team members have significant experience in creating value through investing in and advising on transactions across Europe and the US.

Unicorn Asset Management Limited is an independently owned and managed investment management company. Founded in 2000, Unicorn offers both open and closed ended investment funds, including an AIM Venture Capital Trust, designed to satisfy a variety of investor requirements

VentureFounders is a UK-based equity investment platform designed to make Angel and Venture Capital style investing more accessible, affordable and transparent.
We believe that this market should be open to all who can afford and understand the risk associated with early stage investment. As an investor through VentureFounders, you can invest from a minimum of £1,000 in some of the UK’s fastest growing and most exciting companies.
With a solid foundation in financial services expertise, the VentureFounders team is comprised of FCA approved, highly skilled investment professionals with extensive private equity, investment management and business growth experience.
The majority of our investment opportunities are offered in collaboration with leading Venture Capital firms or Angel networks with established track records and sector expertise. Importantly, we never present a fundraise that we would not invest in ourselves. The result is a curated range of structured opportunities in early stage, scalable and high growth businesses, many of which are EIS (Enterprise Investment Scheme) qualifying.
What financial planners, wealth managers and IFAs said about our BPR Industry 2015 report
This is a growing sector of the market in which advice is sought and happily paid for. I regularly advise on BPR investments and this report is the most comprehensive review of the opportunity and the market that I have ever read and contains gems for any client report.

If you aren’t sure about BPR but think you should know more, this report pulls everything together in one place to help you develop your knowledge. I feel more confident striding ahead with further research as I know what to ask.
Very interesting and informative, the report made a complex area of financial planning much more understandable. Excellent learning, training and competence material from Intelligent Partnership. A good read with excellent exam at the end to test my understanding.
If you haven’t got a copy of the Alternative Investment Report – get it. It will rapidly become dog-eared through use.

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