Media and Entertainment – Sponsors

Goldfinch Entertainment have been advising on media investments since January 2014 – in this time, they have been involved in over 130 projects and have deployed over £65 million of finance. Goldfinch Entertainment have been advising on media investments since January 2014 – in this time, they have been involved in over 130 projects and have deployed over £65 million of finance.

Ober Private Clients is a private equity investment house specialising in single-company EIS opportunities. Ober looks to achieve a positive asymmetric risk reward relationship, where risks are mitigated and returns enhanced. The company’s products charge no annual management charges or exit charges, and Performance Fees are only applied if investor returns amount to at least double their gross investment, ignoring EIS tax reliefs whilst investor returns are uncapped.

PlayFund is a new hybrid S/EIS investment fund that has been designed to take advantage of the rapidly growing video game market. In partnership with games industry leaders, PlayFund invests equity across a portfolio of next-generation companies developing new games intellectual property on mobile, PC and digital console for worldwide distribution.

Oxford Capital has raised and invested more than £320m into EIS and BPR qualifying companies. We work in partnership with wealth managers and financial advisers, helping them to make tax-efficient investments a crucial part of their business model. We invest into the UK’s thriving creative industries through the Oxford Capital Media EIS.

Varcale Capital Management Ltd, is a boutique investment company founded in 2011 which specialises in Film & TV productions and other investment assets. In 2016, Varcale co-founded the China UK Film Fund, a historic new venture which has seed capital of £50 million rising to £1.5 billion by 2020.